08:11 AM


{Admin.}Jadea 's Whiteboard




Click on an item and drag to move it around.

“Manage Room” displays a list of the furniture in your room. Click on the menu title itself to drag this menu around. This menu lets you:

  • Move item to the top layer
  • Move item up one layer
  • Move item to the bottom layer
  • Move item down one layer
  • Grab item
  • Flip Item horizontally
  • Move Item into closet

Click on “Open Closet” to see a list of furniture stored in your closet. This menu lets you:

  • Place item in room


Click on an item and drag to move it around.

Click this icon to move your rooms around.

Click this icon to be able to zoom in on a single room.

Once you zoom into a room, you can change the furniture by moving it around or by pulling furniture out of the house closet and putting it in the current room.

Remember to Save your house after you make changes!

Subscribe to Jadea 's Whiteboard


Administrator 1426001 post(s)



Ready to roast some marshmallows? Then click the pic to WIN THIS FIREPIT!


Administrator 1426001 post(s)

Please congratulate Krystal, AU’s newest AU Student Admin!

See ya!

Administrator 1426001 post(s)



Ready to roast some marshmallows? Then click the pic to WIN THIS FIREPIT!


Administrator 1426001 post(s)


Read his words of wisdom…. Trade him some stuff and see what he gives you back [if anything!].
[He prefers pizza.]

You can also visit Spinoza on the, CAMPUS MAP
Search the MAP then click on the DUMPSTER!

Want to know more about the mysterious Spinoza? Ask me on my whiteboard and I’ll send you the Story Of Spinoza.


90184 post(s)

Just wanted to stop by and say hello to everyone! I hope you all are doing great :)

Administrator 1426001 post(s)



I’ll be putting up fun Autumn Items you can win, throughout the Season. Be SURE to visit the HOME PAGE often to see if a new object is available.

Right now, you can win this PILE ’O LEAVES! so jump in!

See ya!

67454 post(s)

Hey everyone! As many of you know, I haven’t been very active lately. The only times I come on are once in a while to to check for new classes (still in it to get my master’s degree!) so it’s a rare occasion if I get to talk to any of you. Sorry to spill everything out in a mass message, but I figured this was the easiest way to get to everybody.
I’ve been here a long time. I’ve seen people come and go, including those who I considered to be my closest friends on here; I’ve seen AU in its prime time -
long before I created this pet. I’ve hit the highs and lows myself as well, as I’m sure some of you are aware of, but since I started AU I’ve always loved the little community we’ve had here. You’ve done me a lot; I’ve learned a lot and made many memories along the way, too. I’ll miss that.
I’m a freshman in high school now, which saying it doesn’t sound so bad now except for the fact that I’ve been playing this game for nearly a decade. Middle school especially was rocky for me, so I relied on this game often as sort of a pressure release. I know I’ve gotten on many of your nerves a couple times or so, but thank you everyone for putting up with me when I’ve spilled. However, I’ve been on AU long before middle school. (By the way, you guys don’t know how happy I was when I finally turned thirteen and was technically allowed to play… :D) I’m sure many kids my age made accounts here underaged, but I’m not sure who stuck with it.
I created this account in 2010, and I’ve had previous accounts before this one that I haven’t used in a long time. I was eight years old in second grade, which sounds ridiculous, but to be completely honest, that was my favorite time here. I loved everybody I associated with. But then again, I was eight. :0 I actually made an account beforehand, but quit for a couple years because I knew I was too young and should’ve just stuck with playing Webkinz. My parents didn’t feel comfortable with me chatting with people online; they had a fair point. However, that didn’t last very long on my behalf, because I rejoined at the age of eight. Even then I couldn’t stay away! :) I even tried to get my twin brother to join, but with no avail. He simply wasn’t interested xD
I became an admin in fourth grade (I think) and I reached level 161 when I was in fifth grade. So I sort of wrapped stuff up quickly. It felt like it took forever then, but it probably didn’t really. The reason why I never told anyone was mostly because I didn’t want to be undermined due to being younger. I was also afraid of my account being penalized or something. Looking back, I don’t think anyone would really have cared, but I was very immature. A lot of the stuff I’ve said when I was younger I find strikingly stupid. I’m sure there will be a time when I will find this entire message very pathetic (let’s try tomorrow). Or I’ll ask myself why I thought anybody cared xD
Regardless, I’ve had a lot of fun leveling up, taking classes, creating forums, playing arcade games, roleplaying with you all, and much more. Those of you who are older players have taught me a lot, and I’ll never forget that. Tribute to you!
But more recently I’ve realized that AU is different than it was. Not necessarily in a bad way, but I no longer have a motivation to come online. It’s not you guys, but all aside, I’ve simply cast my interests in different directions and I’ve been busy. You can still find me on other online games occasionally, however ;)
I’m not leaving AU. I’m aware that I’m younger than many of you who started when I did and still play. I don’t intend on leaving. I still love this game and I owe a lot to you guys. But since I’ve done much of what the game has to offer, there’s not much for me to do on here anymore.
So I just wanted to thank you all, and share my appreciation for those of you who have continued to stick around. There are quite a few of you for sure. And I especially wanted to thank Augie, for without him none of this would’ve been possible. Good luck to the new players; I’ve had my fun here and my hay day. It’s time for many of you to have yours!

Administrator 1426001 post(s)

Happy birthday, {Admin.}Jadea !

Hope you have a pawsome day. Here’s a piece of cake to help you celebrate! : )


Administrator 1426001 post(s)

Happy birthday, {Admin.}Jadea !

Hope you have a pawsome day. Here’s a piece of cake to help you celebrate! : )


67454 post(s)

Just a random question, do you think a child (under 13) could take all their classes, level up… and even possibly become BAOC?

I was just browsing the site, admiring all Augie’s done to it and it was a thought that just happened to pop into my head :P

67454 post(s)

Animalaids, anyone? I’m on level 159 and I can’t wait to become AUs next BAOC :)

67454 post(s)

I’m a level away from being AU’s next BAOC ^

Animalaids, anyone? :) Please help me if you can. xD

67454 post(s)

Hi guys. Please click here to read my forum. :)

90184 post(s)

I think I want to open an rp in the forums. Would anyone be willing to join?

67454 post(s)

I know I’m sending too many of these out. And you all hate me. With good reason. That’s okay. You guys are right. I don’t know what to do. What can I do for us all to drop it and move on… Please. If AU was ever that site where everyone was nice to each other, please just drop it, and I will, too and I’ll never say anything like I did earlier again, or do anything like that. Just please, guys. Please. Please. This is the last message I will send and then I’ll take a break from AU… and you guys can have a break from me. I am not asking for pity. I am not feeling bad for myself. I am simply taking time off for you guys’ sake and mine. Sorry about my troubles.

67454 post(s)

Guys I’m really sorry :( I know you’re all mad at me and stuff but I really didn’t mean to hurt you guys so much. I wasn’t trying to be the ‘good guy’ by writing stuff in my defense. I wasn’t even trying to defend myself. I was apologizing for being an idiot. You’re right. I was wrong. Okay? You guys were right and I was a jerk to say that stuff. Can we please just drop it? It’s really making me upset.

67454 post(s)

Pets of AU, I am sorry if I hurt any of your feelings. I don’t have anything against you or anybody…. I was just asking a simple question why you wrote it on here. I didn’t mean it like that. I wasn’t telling you what to put on your whiteboard, I was just asking why you did it. I was just asking a question, I just wanted a few people’s points of views. I did not want to offend you. I respect how you feel and I’m not going to argue with it. I was merely curious. Though I can see you don’t like when people question you about it…. and I am sorry, whatever you might say about my apology. I am not homophobic or trans-phobic. I do realize that there are many people who struggle with being LGBT, I just didn’t understand how telling it to everyone is making them feel better. I did not mean to hurt anyone’s feelings whatsoever and I was just simply wondering. I get it. I wasn’t trying to offend anyone. I know you may not care, but it wasn’t meaningful. I’m just going to tell you I did not try to insult you because I don’t know what else I can do, though I can understand if you don’t want to listen and don’t have time for this. I get what you guys go through, alright, and because I don’t have to go through it, I was wondering about it. That does not make me better than you because I am not LGBT, so please don’t say that’s what I’m thinking. I know so many other people who aren’t LGBT think that about themselves. Whatever you might think, I don’t. My mind stretches far and I believe in fairness to everyone, whatever you might say, and with that comes mistakes sometimes that may not be forgiven because of the pain others have gone through. Sometimes my mind stretches too far, and I end up with consequences, but I’m not a coward and I am willing to face them, but not with hostility. I can understand if you guys are touchy about it because of how sick and tired you are of people making a big deal about it, I’ve gone through similar cases where I’ve felt the same way about things, and I just want to tell you that I did not intend on hurting you, though I can empathize on how you are feeling about that and I am truly sorry, whether you choose to listen to my apology or not. If not, I can understand. I get what it’s like to be teased. You may say I’ve got no idea, but truthfully, you’ve got no idea what I go through, either. In the end, even the most bullied person can be blunt at times, and here that was on me. For that I am so, so sorry. That was foolish of me and I should’ve known better than I let out. I am not trying to provoke anything or prove anything. I am stating my point of view as you were yours. Thank you for your patience with me; I understand how hard it is for you guys to deal with people who can act dumb as I have, and I know it could’ve come out way differently. I’m sorry about all this and I can learn from my actions.

67454 post(s)

Hi AU. :) I don’t want to be rude, but I’ve been seeing a lot of people write on their whiteboards and bios stuff like sexualities {queer, bisexual, transgender, ect) and I think it’s just kind of unusual. I don’t mean to hurt any of your feelings and I have no problem if that’s what you are or if that’s what you’re making your pet be, but I don’t think it’s really necessary to put it out there like that, if you know what I mean. If you’re doing that for role-playing I guess I understand, but I see pets that say they aren’t used for role playing that have that written on their whiteboards or their bios. I just don’t think every passing person should be reading that on your about me message, especially when there are younger people who play this game as well. If you’re not going to role, surely it’s not necessary for the world on here to know about it? I know you may not mind if everyone sees it, but it can really bother some people. If you have any comments about this, feel free to chat with me on my whiteboard. Once again, I’m not trying to be rude about it, I’m just asking a question and stating my opinion. You don’t have to agree with it. I’d like to hear your point of views so maybe I can understand better why you do this. Thanks guys c:


90184 post(s)

I feel like drawing right now, I’m kinda bored. Can I draw a portrait sketch of someone’s character? Please? x

90184 post(s)

Hey! Anyone wanna roleplay? x

67454 post(s)

Hey guys!

I’m really bored, so….. if anyone wants to talk, chat with me on my whiteboard? xD


208004 post(s)

Hey just a friendly reminder that

Using “that’s so INSANE” “I’m so PSYCHO” “Wow theyre a SCHIZO” is extremely insulting and can be considered slurs Here is a whole list of them and words you can use instead


How about: some people suffer from psychotic symptoms and about 1 out of 8 people you see a day have some form of psychotic illness (keyword: it’s an illness) but are still everyday, living people trying to get by.

So if you would stop glamorizing it, be afraid of people who may have it, and stop using those slurs that’d be great

Thanks :’)

Any questions just come on my WB

208004 post(s)

The poll Rain did has only been up an hour and someone already voted “nothing” for “What else do you do besides RP?”

wow guys this is pathetic smh

208004 post(s)

The AU Trivia Bash is starting now! Come and join Rain and I to win some awesome prizes!

208004 post(s)

Do YOU think you know everything about AU? Are you smart enough to put your wits to the test against other students?

Then join Rain and I tomorrow for a TRIVIA BASH around at 5 pm AU time! There is no set ending time

I will be handing out petro items of your choice if you win!

Hope to see you there!

Virtual Online Pet and Animal Game

Free virtual pet game lets you meet new friends, play free online games and compete. Shop for virtual goods, enter contests, and enjoy social games with pet lovers. Join this virtual pet world to share cute puppy photos, cute cat photos, cute animal stories on forums. Play in a cool virtual world, socialize and make friends with other virtual dogs, virtual cats, virtual horses, and other virtual pets.